Exclusively Dedicated To Your Estate Planning And Probate Needs

A Different Kind Of Estate Planning Attorney

What kind of estate planning attorney am I? Different from other estate planning law offices, that’s what my office team is, not a drive through law office. Different, in that I don’t do unilateral estate plans for clients, rather we create your estate with your team as a collaborative effort.

I understand that life consists of unpredictable seasons guided by as much or as little as you plan. You have carried the weight of uncertainty for some time no. Now is the best time to start your planned journey to resolve this uneasiness. I can guide you to load your estate planning toolbox and get closure. You should take the initiative to phone of schedule an online conversation with me in Shallotte. We take it from there to send you homework to make our first meeting most efficient for you. I can spend more time listening to you if you have listed the foundational facts on your worksheet ahead of time. We prompt you to ponder your questions and goals.

Here are some simple forms that you can print and fill out to get you started:

We make the process easy for you and work at your pleasure with any or all of the following collaborators:

  • You, the client
  • Your family members
  • Your tax professional advisor
  • Your financial advisor
  • Your independent Trust Company officer
  • Your insurance companies
  • Your real estate title company
  • Your life and legacy goals

Upfront at our first office conference we preschedule three progress milestone dates to get on the radar:

  • A phone conference to review your initial draft document questions and revisions and listen to suggestions from your team
  • Office signing dates before our witnesses and notary
  • A phone follow-up to review implementation of your plan and trust funding

As your life and goals evolve, we are always here to make sure your plan reflects your current wishes and needs. To get started with the important process of securing your legacy, call me today at 910-212-5896 or send me an email.